Friday 20 June 2014


Hello again,

I am revamping this blog in a personal effort to be more reflective. I used to write in a journal every night before bed, for some reason I do not have the patience for that anymore. Yet I still crave the outlet of writing about my life. So, lucky you =) 

I am constantly amazed by how much can changes over the course of a year. Looking back a year ago, Mickey and I had just left Colorado for Bellingham, WA. I was still pulling up my deep roots of 22 years of life in Colorado.  Mickey immediately began classes to become a Real Estate Broker, which has turned out to be the perfect profession for him. I, however, had a lot of figuring out to do. But I have done it. And I am happy to be working a service industry job for a definite amount of time, before I start graduate school in September! But this past year taught Mickey and I a lot. And we realized we needed to establish ourselves further, in order to continue living the life we want. So, we wanted to move to a nicer part of town. With moving, comes a lot of changes. 

Our new place...

As if moving to a new home was not enough change, we also bought a puppy! Meet Nala: 

Nala has brought so much joy into our lives. We walk her twice a day and cuddle with her constantly. This will probably turn into a puppy-picture blog, because she is so stinkin' cute. She is growing so quickly, but I want to keep her small forever. So I am taking lots of pictures to always remember her younger years ;) 

Oh...and I got a haircut. I donated 12 inches to cancer patients for wigs. 


So, life is good. Because change is good. 

Until next time,
peace & love my friends!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

New Home

Mickey and I moved to Bellingham, WA with no jobs or place to live. As our great luck would have it, we found a place to live within the first week of arriving. It is a great space for the two of us- not too big, not too small. And, we have a garage to store all our extra crap that we just can't get rid of! 

We have been looking for jobs relentlessly. Mickey is still waiting to hear back, while I got a job at a raspberry farm! It will be seasonal, but it is a good start and everyone knows how I love gardening! 

Mickey and I have been exploring the area. Every day is an adventure! My favorite time of the day is watching sunset on the water. 

This is a beautiful place to be living. We are still figuring things out, but we are utterly happy to be together in an awesome place. I certainly miss the ease and comfort of life in Colorado, but it is through experiences into the unknown that you learn your true character. 

Until next time, 
Peace & Love!